
Showing posts from December, 2010

Pen Pals

When I was at Junior High School, there was a magazine popular among teenagers. As a young teenage girl from poor family, I couldn’t afford to buy one . To get news update, I had to walk a kilometer to buy a used magazine at the cheapest  price. Actually it was not a used magazine. It didn’t sell out. Its cover was removed but the news was more or less update. It was only a week late. As a result the price was cheap. There was a page in the Kawanku magazine, where readers from around Indonesia even from overseas advertised their mailing address for correspondence. It interested me. Aside from making friends I was able to collect stamps which developed into a hobby at that time. I sent a couple of letters and within a month I got a couple of replies. I was so excited having new friends from out of town and off course I had to save some money to buy more stamps, nice envelopes, and papers for letter. Since then, I frequently wrote letters, exchanged photo, stories, and informat...